The ancient art of acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into acupuncture points in order to stimulate the electromagnetic potential of the nervous system to release chemicals or hormones in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. This process activates the body's innate healing system in order to reduce inflammation, pain, and discomfort anywhere in the body.
Adjunct Acupuncture Modalities Offered​
Esoteric Acupuncture: A consciousness shifting form of acupuncture that can create similar positive neurological reprogramming effects as pyschedelic medicine experiences. Acupuncture points are stimulated in a particular order that create sacred geometric patterns in order to shift negative biological and emotional programing.
Neuropuncture: Electro-stimulation is applied to certain acupuncture points. Different frequencies are applied to promote specific healing responses in the body.
Moxibustion: gentle heat therapy using artemesia vulgara over acupuncture points
Aromatherapy: essential oils are applied to acupressure points
Crystal therapy: crystals are applied to acupuressure points
Cupping &
Gua Sha
Cupping and gua sha are techniques designed to pull toxin build-up and muscle spasm from the body’s deeper tissue to the surface of the skin. Not only can these techniques pull toxin build-up out of specific areas, but they can also pull fresh new blood into those areas, which vitalizes and restores proper blood flow.